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What you will get with
Dr.HereOnlineMembers can consult online doctors via voice or video call, or by sending text messages, photos, or audio files
Members can search for clinics or experts in the upper right corner of the main screen of the app and add them as healthcare consultants
Members can input or authorize clinics to import their inspection data
Members can access healthcare consultations through face-to-face video chats, and enjoy the unique, high-quality, and cost-effective consultation service of Dr.HereOnline anytime, anywhere
Members can transfer their health exam data to generate a comprehensive health report and obtain additional details and suggestions
Input your health exam data
Submit to DHO Health Analysis System
Complete payment and obtain your comprehensive health analysis report
Members can share LifeCare data with their doctors or family members to create a shared care network for chronic diseases
Learn moreTo make healthcare service more accessible
To implement healthcare management
To create peronal shared care network
Authorization of pernal profile can protect memeber's personal information